About Me

Some interests that I am passionate about include all things music, film, television, literature, and the arts. In my spare time, I love trying out new things, collecting vinyl records, meeting new people, and immersing myself in other cultures through the act of traveling.

Hi! I'm Gabriel Saulog.

I'm a creative content writer avid in all things pop culture, with sufficient experience in marketing, brand development, social media, and copywriting for an established self-run business.

What are my key writing beats?


I make sure to stay up to date with music trends both local and international, whether it be new music releases, industry updates, concert information, and the need-to-knows on rising independent artists and labels. Through writing about music, I encapsulate sounds into words that get to resonate with people of all ways of life.


I have a deep love for all things related to film, appreciating all forms of cinema and storytelling. When writing, I look not only about the technical aspects of the craft, but also at the profound impact that these fictional stories can have in the real world setting. It also allows me to analyze multiple disciplines around these endeavours to track trends across cultures and society as told through the medium.

Pop Culture

Whatever the latest trends in pop culture are, I keep an eye out for trending news pieces that are sure to gain everyone's time and attention. Writing about pop culture serves as a lens through which to view broader social issues and trends, given that it provide insights into social norms and changes of our time.